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Essential Bliss, Issue #011 -- Love and Marriage October 01, 2009 |
Hi Welcome to the October edition of e-zine which aims to provide you with fun and interesting information about using essential oils in everyday life. You may have noticed that my logo and banner have changed. I have the most stunning Essential Oil Goddess mermaid thanks to Tina-Renae at Tina Renae Art. Thanks Ren! My mermaid is an absolutely stunning goddess! Essential Bliss is dedicated to assisting you with your essential oil and aromatherapy questions. The "Bliss" oil of the month is a blend that is the most romantic - Sensation. Read on for more information. This month's exclusive offer for Essential Bliss readers is a Essential Oils Desk Reference special offer - read on for more details! I hope you enjoy this issue of Essential Bliss, I welcome your feedback! Please contact me if you have any questions or comments. Your feedback will inspire the content for future issues. If there is anything specific you would like me to answer or cover in future e-zines please let me know. Wishing you a romantic month! Jen Essential Oil Goddess
PLEASE NOTE: For an easy-to-view version of this newsletter, or past issues, please visit the Backissues Page. In This Issue:
Update - My Book Release - Advance OrdersI am excited to announce that my book Lose Weight Peacefully will be published late October/early November 2009.If you have ever wanted to honour your body and eat the food you love, and lose weight at the same time, then this book is for you. You may also place advance orders for the book at or ask for it at your favourite bookstore! PS Don't forget to subscribe to my monthly e-zine/newsletter The Peaceful Way at the website. What's New At the Check out these new pages: New Classes and Workshops I have recently updated the events page. Coming up...Australia Wide Introductory Aromatherapy Classes.
Upcoming EventsSpecial Event - SpOIL Me! Aromatic Extravaganza. Melbourne: Sunday 25 October 2009
Melbourne Program Topic 1 “Self-healing with shiatsu and essential oils” by Dorothy Douglas, Shiatsu practitioner and instructor Topic 2 Pamper Session: “Give and receive an amazing neck massage with essential oil roll-ons" By Catherine Garro Topic 3 “Holy oils, Sacred Oils - the powerful oils of Ancient Scripture” by Noel Cunnington Topic 4 “Essential Oils for our Furry Friends” by Billie Dean, Animal Communicator and Shaman Maroochydore Program Topic 1 "Nectar from the Amazon - amazing discoveries for weight loss, blood sugar balance, emotional release and candida" By Neena Love and Artemis Topic 2 What do organic chocolate and wolfberries and have in common? Fun new research" By Neena Love and Artemis Topic 3 “ESSENSual Intimacy" By Sarah Daniels Topic 4 Pamper Session: “Hands-on emotional balancing: brand new oil, brand new technique” by Artemis For all enquiries and bookings please call Jen on 0401 089 233 or contact me. Raindrop Technique and Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique Courses Courses Australia wide and expanding! Sydney course: Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique 3-6 December 2009. Adelaide courses:
Raindrop Technique 30 October - 1 November 2009. For all enquiries and bookings please call Jen on 0401 089 233 or contact me. Introduction to Aromatherapy - Community Education Classes (Brisbane, Australia) This course will be held at Stafford Heights State School and Pine Rivers (Strathpine) State High School. You will learn how to make your own individualised essential oil perfume and take home two starter oils. For more information click here. Exciting New Course: Start Your Own Natural Health Business (Brisbane, Australia) This course will be held at Stafford Heights State School. Do you have a passion for natural health or contemporary therapies and want to start your own business? Not sure where or how to start? You will learn the answers to these questions and much more. For more information click here. Relax...Release...ReplenishAs a qualified counsellor and aromatherapist, I am here to help with issues that are preventing you from moving forward in your life.If you feel ready to work with these issues many people report feeling "emotionally lighter" after a session.
![]() ...then working me, a qualified counsellor and aromatherapist may be just what you need.
This Month's Exclusive Offer...Exclusive to Essential Bliss readers, I am offering a $20 off an Essential Oils Desk Reference when you join the monthly rewards program with your first order of essential oils. *New clients only.For more information about the services I offer click here.
This offer is for Essential Bliss readers only. Offer expires: 31 October 2009 To order: Please call Jen on 0401 089 233 or please use this contact page. Pssst, you must mention the password "Spring" to receive this offer.
Gift Vouchers are Ideal for any OccassionGift Vouchers are available by clicking here to give a blissful and unique present for yourself or loved one for any occassion.![]() Feature Article...Love and MarriageBy the time you read this newsletter I will be married to my soulmate and life partner, Wai.We got married on a beautiful Maui beach in Hawaii on 30 September 2009. We are currently on a cruise through Hawaii, Tonga, Samoa and Fiji, and finally arrive back in Sydney, Australia on 17 October 2009. So what has this all got to do with essential oils? Well, I believe, a lot! It was essential oils that allowed me to change my life forever in so many ways. You may have read at the beginning of my newsletter that I have written a book about my weight loss journey. Essential oils had a lot to do with that too. Once we start using essential oils in a therapeutic manner, we may be able to have shifts that we never dreamt possible. Essential oils help me to connect to my partner on a very deep level. I use the oils every day on myself but also on him. If he has a headache, I give him oils. If he has a sore back, I give him oils. I also make him the sexiest essential oil aftershave! Applying the oils to someone you love is sharing your love with them. Touch is such an important aspect in any relationship. The oils allow this to happen without having to be always related to sex. If you partner is resistant, then add some essential oils to their clothes or underwear drawer. (Do not put them directly on the clothes.) Continue to wear the oils everyday yourself and share them whenever possible. They just might grow to love them! EXCLUSIVE: ESSENTIAL OIL GODDESS PERFUME RECPIES. Only for Essential Bliss readers. Get Your Love/Keep Your Love Sexy Aftershave for Men Share Your Soul Massage Blend If applying to skin: Remember skin test first and only use therapeutic grade essential oils directly on the skin. DO NOT try this with any other oil. Please check with health care professional and/or consult the Essential Oils Desk Reference for safety information. PLEASE NOTE: I only use pure therapeutic grade essential oil from Young Living and the recipes above are based on Young Living Essential Oils. You can order from my store or contact me for more information. Cool Stuff...Dream Gift for You Dream interpretation consultation (value $198) with dream analyst & author Jane Teresa Anderson. Spread the word about Jane Teresa’s life-changing Personal Dream Coaching Program and for everyone you refer who signs up to the program, you receive a free one hour phone consultation with JT. Read More about the Personal Dream Coaching Program Do you have a health issue or something going on in your life and want to see what oils other people are using? There is a fantastic website called Oil Testamonials. I highly recommend this website! You can search testimonials and you can even have a look at the testimonials I have added or join (free registration) and add your own testamonials. Are you wondering how I built my website and sent my e-zine? I did it all myself with no prior technical skills! The secret is Site Build It! ![]() Bliss Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil Blend Of the Month...ACCEPTANCEIntroduction:![]() Sensation is one of my favourite blends to wear as a perfume when I am feeling in a romantic mood. It fills me with self-love but also then a feeling of sharing the love ;) The Essential Oils Desk Reference Ingredients: Ylang Ylang, Rosewood, Jasmine Precautions: No safety data listed at this time. Uses: For information about releasing emotional patterns read Carolyn L. Mein's Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils Sensation essential oil blend may useful for the following emotional patterns:
One of the ways that I love to use Sensation is to open the heart chakra. Place one drop on the heart chakra and give yourself time to connect with the energy that follows. To me, it feels like pure love! Sensation is beautiful to add to bath water, unperfumed and chemical free body lotions and oils. Spend some with Sensation! Well we have come to the end of this edition of Essential Bliss. I hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it... If you like this e-zine, please do a friend and me a big favour and "pay it forward." If a friend DID forward this to you and if you like what you read, please subscribe by visiting my subscription page. Thanks! In the meantime don't forget to visit my contact page if you have any questions, comments or to enquire about my special offer. Also, if you would like to find out more about therapeutic grade essential oils, please contact me and I would be happy to discuss with you further. Til next time!
Disclaimer: The entire contents of this newsletter and the website are based upon the opinions of Jen Gallagher, unless otherwise noted. This information is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Jen Gallagher, who encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. © Copyright - Essential Oil Goddess & 2009 Jen is an independent distributor 956246. |
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