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Essential Bliss, Issue #026 -- Floods, Clean Up and Essential Oils January 19, 2011 |
Hi Here's What You Will Find in This Issue:
Welcome to the January edition of e-zine which aims to provide you with fun and interesting information about using essential oils in everyday life. Essential Bliss is dedicated to assisting you with your essential oil and aromatherapy questions. As you may have seen and heard in the media, they city where I live - Brisbane, Australia has been inundated with floods, including loss of lives - human and animal. Many other parts of Australia have been experiencing flooding too. If you have experienced this terrible adversity, my heart and thoughts go out to you. I send you healing love. Luckily, we weren't directly affected by the floods and I am happy to report that my family and I are safe and well. One of the most awesome things that have come out of this tragedy/disaster are the thousands of volunteers that helped with the clean up. I, along with over 23 000 other people in Brisbane, spent the weekend helping clean, throw out, and assist people in many other ways through their loss. During the clean up, I had my essential oils on hand to protect myself and other volunteers who were happy to try them from all the hidden nasties such as bacteria, viruses, and mould. Mud is a breeding ground for illness and disease. I wasn't taking any chances. Read my story below about how you can protect yourself in times of need. On a different note, don't forget, the Essential Oil Goddess Blog has been a great addition to the website. There has been lots of interaction and please do leave a comment if you would like to. Also, please subscribe to the updates to make sure you don't miss a thing! I hope you enjoy this issue of Essential Bliss, I welcome your feedback! Please contact me if you have any questions or comments. Your feedback will inspire the content for future issues. If there is anything specific you would like me to answer or cover in future e-zines please let me know. Wishing you a bright year ahead! Jen Essential Oil Goddess
PLEASE NOTE: For an easy-to-view version of this newsletter, or past issues, please visit the Backissues Page. Want to Know the Shocking Truth About Diets?Diets don't work! Find out the reasons why and what you can do instead with the book Lose Weight Peacefully.![]() WITH MORE BONUSES... ...including Top 10 Essential Oils for Weight Loss and a bonus Insight into Peace Daily Practice. All bonuses are available immediately after purchase of the eBook or soft cover printed book. More bonuses available soon. You can access the eBook immediately after purchase or purchase the book online at OR choose the special price for the printed book including FREE shipping(Australia only). What's New At the STOP PRESS: All pages on The Essential Oil Goddess website have now been transitioned to the beautiful mermaid goddess look and feel. If you come across any errors, ommissons or pages that have the old template, I would appreciate your feedback about this. Please contact me via my website. Thanks! Check out these new pages: The Essential Oil Goddess Blog The blog has been a hive of activity! Please subscribe to the updates there for the latest news, information and events. And please leave a comment if you wish to! Upcoming EventsPlease Note: Upcoming Events will be announced on the Essential Oil Goddess Blog. To be notified of events and updates, please subscribe at the blog.Young Living Essential Oils Experience
+ BRISBANE Rydges Southbank, 9 Glenelg Street Southbank Monday 7 February, 2011 6:30pm to 9:00pm + MELBOURNE Rydges on Swanston, 701 Swanston Street Carlton Tuesday 8 February, 2011 6:30pm to 9:00pm + TASMANIA Grand Chancellor, 29 Cameron Street Launceston Wednesday 9 February, 2011 6:30pm to 9:00pm + SYDNEY Rydges Parramatta, 116 James Ruse Drive Rosehill Thursday 10 February, 2011 7:00pm to 9:30pm + ADELAIDE Stamford Grand, Moseley Square Glenelg Friday 11 February, 2011 6:30pm to 9:00pm Bookings: Please call Jen on +61 (0)401 089 233 or or contact me. LAST CHANCE for EARLY BIRD PRICES Dr. Melissa Shelton is a USA-based holistic vet, who specialises in the emotional and medical treatment of animals using Young Living's therapeutic-grade essential oils.....and she's having awesome results!!! She's also a wonderful and engaging speaker, with an enormous amount of knowledge to share with us. Dr. Shelton will be visiting Australia to teach us how to use essential oils in the care and treatment of our animals. Everyone is welcome. QLD Equine Clinic: Sat 19th Feb - Brisbane (Thornlands) - 9am to 5pm. $95 if paid in full by 31st Jan, otherwise $150 full price. Animal Clinic: Sun 20th Feb - Brisbane (Bardon) - 9am to 5pm. $95 if paid in full by 31st Jan, otherwise $150 full price. Advanced Animal Clinic: Mon 21st Feb - Brisbane (Bardon) - 9am to 1pm. $80 if paid in full by 31st Jan, otherwise $120 full price. (Advanced animal clinics are available to all vets, practitioners, and industry professionals.) ACT VIC Equine Clinic: Sat 26th Feb - Mornington Peninsula - 9am to 5pm. $95 if paid in full by 31st Jan, otherwise $150 full price. Animal Clinic: Sun 27th Feb - Melbourne (Box Hill) - 9am to 5pm. $95 if paid in full by 31st Jan, otherwise $150 full price. Advanced Animal Clinic: Mon 28th Feb - Melbourne (Box Hill) - 9am to 1pm. $80 if paid in full by 31st Jan, otherwise $120 full price. (Advanced animal clinics are available to all vets, practitioners, and industry professionals.) NSW Special Offer: Receive a free “Deep Relief” essential oil Roll-On!!! (RRP $42.11) If you are attending one of Dr. Melissa Shelton's events, and:
For all bookings and enquiries please call Jen on +61 (0)401 089 233 or contact me and I will email you full details to book and pay online. Essential Oils for Wellbeing Playshop You are invited to experience a FREE session of relaxation, education and fun with therapeutic grade essential oils at our Essential Oils for Wellbeing Playshop. Treat yourself, indulge your senses and experience the pure and potent power of these amazing oils. Touch, taste and smell your way to wellbeing and learn how to incorporate therapeutic grade essential oils into your life. At the Essential Oils for Wellbeing Playshop you can expect to:
Time: 7pm-9pm Raindrop Technique and Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique Courses Courses in Australia, United States and expanding! More courses for 2011 are to be announced. For all enquiries please call Jen on +61 (0)401 089 233 or contact me. Please mention the course you are interested in and preferred area. If you want to stay in up-to-date with all my events, join me at my official page on Facebook: ![]() Promote Your Page Too Book A Session: Essential Oils Specialist for Humans and HorsesMy experiences with essential oils and their power show that humans and horses respond amazingly to essential oils.Testimonials: "The treatment was incredibly relaxing and resulted in the best detox I have ever had." "I went home and treated our lame pony with the oils that Jen suggested. She was walking around this morning better than she has in months." "My experience from the massage is instant I get relief from any aches or pain, I definitetly feel more alert and energized." "I really loved my Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique - Afterward I felt soooo relaxed and I am looking forward to my next treatment." ![]()
...then make an appointment today - it may be just what you or your horse need (I also provide consultations by Skype or phone). Contact me for bookings or enquiries.
This Month's Exclusive Offer...F R E E Essential OilExclusive to Essential Bliss readers, when you book for one of the Dr. Melissa Shelton events above (and use my number as enroller) and are new to Young Living (as at 16 November 2011), besides learning from an expert vet using essential oils, I will give you, at NO COST, a 5mL bottle of essential oil. (Please request your FREE oil direct from me, at the event. Thanks!). So if you take up the offer above too, you will receive 2 free essential oils, just for attending! This offer is for Essential Bliss readers only. Offer expires: 16 February 2011 For help with ordering: Go to the Young Living Website choose your country and browse the many essential oils, nutrition (I highly recommend Ning Xia Red) and other products. Choose a wholesale account (you get 24% discount every time you order and an option of being an independent distributor) and place your order, including your essential rewards order. It is that easy and Young Living will send to anywhere in the world. PS. When prompted for an enroller/sponsor number please use mine - Essential Oil Goddess 956246. Thanks! I would be pleased to help you personally. Please call Jen on +61 (0)401 089 233 or call me on Skype (username: or please use this contact page. Gift Vouchers are Ideal for any OccassionGift Vouchers are available by clicking here to give a blissful and unique present for yourself or loved one for any occassion.![]() Feature Article...Floods, Clean Up and Essential OilsSo much devastation occurred during the floods, but now it is time to clean up, get organised and get on with it. Even if you haven't been in a flood, this information can be used anytime you clean anything.We have become a bacteria obssessed society. Just after the floods subsided, anti-bacterial washes were a rarity to find on supermarket shelf. People are scared of the potential lethal bacteria and viruses that may reside in the air, the mud or on ourselves after being in affected areas. Now, I am NOT a doctor or microbiologist, but what I can tell you is that the antibacterial products you buy from the supermarket can potentially add to the problem, based on two reasons:
Essential oils come from NATURE! There is no standardisation of the plant. The quality of the essential oil depends on weather conditions, amount of water, temperature, soil each "batch" of essential oil has slightly different amounts of chemical compounds. This makes it very difficult for bacteria and viruses to adapt (as they able to in most antibacterial products, antibiotics and similar products). So, which essential oils to use? PLEASE NOTE: Do a patch test on surfaces first if you are unsure if it will affect the surface. Here are some simple ways to use a range of essential oils: Mould Killer In a 400mL trigger spray bottle (preferably glass as essential oils "eat" plastic over time) add the following: 200mL water 200mL white vinegar 3 drops lemon essential oil 3 drops Thieves* essential oil Shake and Spray onto affected area and wipe off. Easy! Shower Scrub Surface Cleaner Do you have any fabulous essential oil recipes? Pleae drop me a line including permission to publish in your message. Thanks! There is no need to include harsh chemicals. A few antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral essential oils is all you need and some natural solvents such as vinegar and bicarb soda. Your nose, lungs and body and that of your family will love you for it. Important: Jen uses and recommends ONLY Young Living Essential Oils. All the information above is based on using Young Living Essential Oils - The World Leaders in Essential Oils. *Young Living Essential Oil Blend. Cool Stuff...Sprout an Aromatherapy Business Online ![]() Learn the Secrets of 15 Inspired Mavens (including me!) and their business success. For all the latest information, updates and special tips, join me on Facebook: ![]() Promote Your Page Too Do you have a health issue or something going on in your life and want to see what oils other people are using? There is a fantastic website called Oil Testimonials. I highly recommend this website! You can search testimonials and you can even have a look at the testimonials I have added or join (free registration) and add your own testimonials. Are you wondering how I built my website and sent my e-zine? I did it all myself with no prior technical skills! The secret is Site Build It! I love working from home, you can find out more below. SBI! is an educational system that includes EVERYTHING you need for one low price so you can do it all yourself. ![]() Immupower: Bliss Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil Of the MonthIntroduction:![]() ImmuPower essential oil blend is one of the most under-estimated essential oil blends. If you have been affected by floods and have mud, stagnant water and damaged items, with potential to harbour bacteria and viruses or any unclean area, I urge you to consider ImmuPower to keep you and your family protected. The Essential Oils Desk Reference Ingredients: Cistus, Frankincense, Oregano, Idaho Tansy, Cumin, Clove, Hyssop, Ravensara, Mountain Savoury Precautions: Use with caution in pregnancy. Use with caution if susceptible ti epilepy (small amounts or in dilution). Do not use on children younger than 18 months. Could possibly result in skin irritation (dilution may be necessary). Uses: Carolyn L. Mein's Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils
Immupower is an amazing essential oil that I have used many times when my 14 year old son has been ill. Just after Christmas, he came home, after being away for a week, with a horrendous cold. I dropped Immupower along his spine before he went to bed and he woke up the next day 90% better. I repeated this twice the next day and he was back to his usual healthy self the following day. When an infection or virus takes hold, this is the essential oil blend I make sure I include in my regimen. In flood affected areas, I would also suggest cold air diffusing ImmuPower to help keep the area fresh and clean. The book, Ultimate Balance Infusing the Vibrational Energy of Essential Oils into Chakras, Meridians and Organs
Well we have come to the end of this edition of Essential Bliss. I hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it... If you liked this ezine, you are welcome to forward to friends. Thank You. If a friend DID forward this to you and if you like what you read, please subscribe by visiting my subscription page. Thanks! In the meantime don't forget to visit my contact page if you have any questions, comments or to enquire about my special offer. Also, if you would like to find out more about therapeutic grade essential oils, please contact me and I would be happy to discuss with you further. Til next time!
Disclaimer: The entire contents of this newsletter and the website are based upon the opinions of Jen Gallagher, unless otherwise noted. This information is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Jen Gallagher, who encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. © Copyright - Essential Oil Goddess & Jen is an independent distributor 956246. |
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