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Essential Bliss, Issue #028 -- Pray for Japan, Protecting our Environment and Essential Oils April 04, 2011 |
Hi Here's What You Will Find in This Issue:
Welcome to the March/April edition of e-zine which aims to provide you with fun and interesting information about using essential oils in everyday life. Essential Bliss is dedicated to assisting you with your essential oil and aromatherapy questions. First, there were floods throughout Queensland (which was very close to home), then there was the earthquake in Christchurch, and now Earthquake, Tsunami and now a nuclear crisis in Japan. It has been devastating for so many, and I can't even begin to comprehend the anguish and pain felt by people who have lost their families, friends, communities, animals, lives...I ask you all to spend a moment to "Pray for Japan." One of the ways that I know how to help is through the power of essential oils. So this issue focuses on protecting our environment. Read below for more. Also, this month, you may have noticed that I have a combined edition of Essential Bliss for March and April. The next issue will be out in May 2011. I have some exciting plans coming up and if you would like to hear about them first, please join me on Facebook for all the news. I hope you enjoy this issue of Essential Bliss, I welcome your feedback! Please contact me if you have any questions or comments. Your feedback will inspire the content for future issues. If there is anything specific you would like me to answer or cover in future e-zines please let me know. Wishing you a blissful month! Jen Essential Oil Goddess
PLEASE NOTE: For an easy-to-view version of this newsletter, or past issues, please visit the Backissues Page. Upcoming EventsThe Goddess of Magic Free SeminarBrisbane - 11 April 2011 Discover the Power of Essential Oil Goddess and Coconut Magic
About the Presenters Jenni Madison – Coconut Magic DATE: Monday 11 April 2011 TIME: 7pm-9pm COST: Free (Bookings required) VENUE: The Grange Meeting Room (full venue details given on conformation of booking) TO BOOK: Call Jen on 0401089233 or book here.
An Evening of Wellness, Purpose and Abundance You are Invited to our FREE event…. Essential Oil Goddess Presents: An Evening of Wellness, Purpose and Abundance Topic 1: How to Connect with Someone You Love (or Yourself!) without Saying a Word Learn how to connect with family and friends on a deeper new level to enhance your relationships. Lorna Russell is an essential oils specialist in Raindrop Technique and Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique. She also has qualifications in Social Science. Topic 2: Anxiety 101 Linda Taylor shares with us an amazing story about her daughter’s anxiety and how essential oils have supported both of them! Hear about the life changing essential oils and the application protocols Linda used to help her daughter through her anxiety. Linda Taylor breeds and shows paint quarter horses, and while initially learning about essential oils for her horses, now uses essential oil in all aspects of her life. Topic 3: Essential Response for Humans…and Animals Discover health boosting essential oils, useful for many situations. Which essential oil is useful to deep wounds, lifts the mood, supports healthy skin, which one has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties or which is beneficial for soothing both head and muscle tension? Find out these answers, and more! Linda Skerret (an experienced horse trainer) will also share her story about working with traumatized horses with amazing results! Topic 4: Abundance Secrets Do you want some abundance? You will experience one simple thing you can do to bring more abundance into your life. You will also learn about the most important essential oils to move you from scarcity thoughts to abundant thoughts. Jen is an author, qualified aromatherapist, counsellor and teacher. She is an essential oils specialist in Raindrop Technique and Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique. DATE: Tuesday 19 April 2011 VENUE: Kawana Meeting Room, Sunshine Coast (full venue details given on conformation of booking) TO BOOK: Call Jen on 0401089233 or book here. Raindrop Technique and Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique Courses Courses in Australia, United States and expanding! More courses for 2011 are to be announced. For all enquiries please call Jen on +61 (0)401 089 233 or contact me. Please mention the course you are interested in and preferred area. If you want to stay in up-to-date with all my events, join me at my official page on Facebook: ![]() Promote Your Page Too Book A Session: Essential Oils Specialist for Humans and HorsesMy experiences with essential oils and their power show that humans and horses respond amazingly to essential oils.Testimonials: "The treatment was incredibly relaxing and resulted in the best detox I have ever had." "I went home and treated our lame pony with the oils that Jen suggested. She was walking around this morning better than she has in months." "My experience from the massage is instant I get relief from any aches or pain, I definitetly feel more alert and energized." "I really loved my Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique - Afterward I felt soooo relaxed and I am looking forward to my next treatment." ![]()
...then make an appointment today - it may be just what you or your horse need (I also provide consultations by Skype or phone). Contact me for bookings or enquiries.
This Month's Exclusive Offer...By Popular Demand: Experience Young Living Essential Oils for FREEIf you have never used Young Living Essential Oils before OR it has been more than one year since your last order, I invite you to experience a 20 minute relaxing vitaflex session with me for FREE. I will intuitively use essential oils then apply them to your feet using vitaflex which is a form of ancient Tibetan Relexology. This offer is for Essential Bliss readers only. Offer expires: 30 April 2011 Bookings Essential For help with ordering: Go to the Young Living Website choose your country and browse the many essential oils, nutrition (I highly recommend Ning Xia Red) and other products. Choose a wholesale account (you get 24% discount every time you order and an option of being an independent distributor) and place your order, including your essential rewards order. It is that easy and Young Living will send to anywhere in the world. PS. When prompted for an enroller/sponsor number please use mine - Essential Oil Goddess 956246. Thanks! I would be pleased to help you personally. Please call Jen on +61 (0)401 089 233 or call me on Skype (username: or please use this contact page. Gift Vouchers are Ideal for any OccassionGift Vouchers are available by clicking here to give a blissful and unique present for yourself or loved one for any occassion.Feature Article...Pray for Japan. Protecting our Environment with Essential OilsAs you have undoubtedly heard, Japan is currently suffering from the effects of a massive earthquake, which in turn created a devastating tsunami.Our thoughts and prayers are with the people in Japan as they cope with this catastrophe. Beyond the immediate impact of this disaster, several nuclear reactors on the eastern coast of Japan have been compromised. Radiation exposure can have devastating health consequences, a fact I learned during my extensive research on the Chernobyl disaster in the 1980s. As happened with Chernobyl, there are concerns that any leaked radiation from one or more Japanese nuclear reactors may be carried by air currents across large portions of the globe. Japanese authorities are working to repair these reactors and contain the radiation. However, the true extent of these leaks is not yet known, and they could have the potential to affect people in Japan and across the world. Knowing this, we can take prudent precautionary steps to protect ourselves and loved ones from potential radioactive effects. I will be using the following Young Living products to protect our home and environment:
Use a Young Living diffuser, coupled with the following oils, in the rooms of your home over the coming days and weeks. Diffuse a combination of:
Another sensible precaution is to wear an inexpensive dust mask saturated with the above oils while you are outside or traveling. While science has not yet made a demonstrable link between diminished radiation effects and essential oils, I believe in doing everything possible to protect my family using natural means. These products may have a synergistic, protective effect on your hormonal and immune systems, and I suggest sending these to friends and family in Japan, as well as using them personally in your home. It is not my intention to alarm anyone or cause undue concern over the developing situation in Japan. However, I strongly believe in being proactive and using readily available resources at our disposal to safeguard our health and those we love. Important: Jen uses and recommends ONLY Young Living Essential Oils. All the information above is based on using Young Living Essential Oils - The World Leaders in Essential Oils. *Young Living Essential Oil Blend. (A speical message from Gary Young - Reprinted (in part) with permission of Young Living, QLD, Australia.) Cool Stuff...Sprout an Aromatherapy Business Online ![]() Learn the Secrets of 15 Inspired Mavens (including me!) and their business success. For all the latest information, updates and special tips, join me on Facebook: ![]() Promote Your Page Too Do you have a health issue or something going on in your life and want to see what oils other people are using? There is a fantastic website called Oil Testimonials. I highly recommend this website! You can search testimonials and you can even have a look at the testimonials I have added or join (free registration) and add your own testimonials. Are you wondering how I built my website and sent my e-zine? I did it all myself with no prior technical skills! The secret is Site Build It! I love working from home, you can find out more below. SBI! is an educational system that includes EVERYTHING you need for one low price so you can do it all yourself. ![]() Valor: Bliss Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil Of the MonthIntroduction:![]() Valor means "inner courage" and this essential oil blend seems to do just that. I love using Valor any time I feel I need that little bit extra inner strength to get through the day and it smells divine! Valor is also known as "the chiropractor in a bottle" as the blend is the same frequency as the skeletal system of the body. The Essential Oils Desk Reference Ingredients: Rosewood, Blue Tansy, Frankincense, Spruce Precautions: None known. Uses: Carolyn L. Mein's Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils
Valor is a wonderful wonderful blend to perform a Valor Balance. To perform a Valor Balance, put 3 to 6 drops of Valor in each of your hands, and rub your hands clockwise under your friend's corresponding foot. So your right hand rubs under their right foot, your left hand under their left foot. Then simply hold your hands in that position under their feet for another 5 to 10 minutes, while they drift off into bliss! (Can also be applied to shoulders too) My 14 year old son uses Valor for his headaches (although he doesn't get them very often anymore). he just uses a couple of drops on the back of his neck, when the headache starts and it is usually relieved within a minute or two. he even took a bottle on his Year 8 school camp. He was the only kid without a paracetamol permission form! Valor can also be used in conjunction with lavender and peppermint essential oil for headaches. it makes a lovely masculine or feminine fragrance, with just the right balance for just about everyone :) Well we have come to the end of this edition of Essential Bliss. I hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it... If you liked this ezine, you are welcome to forward to friends. Thank You. If a friend DID forward this to you and if you like what you read, please subscribe by visiting my subscription page. Thanks! In the meantime don't forget to visit my contact page if you have any questions, comments or to enquire about my special offer. Also, if you would like to find out more about therapeutic grade essential oils, please contact me and I would be happy to discuss with you further. Til next time!
Disclaimer: The entire contents of this newsletter and the website are based upon the opinions of Jen Gallagher, unless otherwise noted. This information is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Jen Gallagher, who encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. © Copyright - Essential Oil Goddess & Jen is an independent distributor 956246. |
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