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Bergamot Essential Oil

Bergamot essential oil is traditionally known for its use with depression. It has also been used with anxiety and nervous tension. As far as an oil goes for uplifting the spirit, it would be close to the top of the list!

Being a goddess means feeling good about yourself and sometimes things just don't seem to feel that way.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Bergamot is part of the citrus family and is phototoxic like all citrus oils. This means it may react to sunlight and leaves brown patches on the skin which have to "grow" out - and doesn't look so good!

So don't go out in the sun for twenty-four to forty-eight hours after using, or put it somewhere "where the sun don't shine" :)

Anxiety responds well to essential oils. Try the following blend:

Safe and Secure Blend

Sometimes the spiral of depression seems too much. Negative thoughts foster more negative thoughts, and so the thought spiral downwards continue.

Uplift and Move On Blend

  • 2 drops bergamot essential oil
  • 1 drop orange essential oil
  • 2 drops tangerine essential oil

Too Many Thoughts and Can't Sleep Blend

(This blend doesn't contain bergamot because it is too uplifting. One of the symptoms of depression is insomnia, so these oils have sedative and antidepressant properties)

  • 2 drops lavender essential oil
  • 1 drop clary sage essential oil
  • 1 drop roman chamomile essential oil

Place the drops on your pillow or on a tissue near your pillow. If you have a diffuser with a timer, you can add the oils and diffuse for thirty minutes if you are not a regular user, or longer if you are.

I only use therapeutic grade essential oils.

Therapeutic grade essential oils are just that...therapeutic! They are distilled at a low temperature and pressure to preserve volatile (and precious!) chemical constituents. Some oils have over three hundred chemical constituents!

I use most of my therapeutic grade essential oils neat!

You may be able to feel better using therapeutic grade essential oils. Since using essential oils everyday, my life has changed completely! I now have a life! Feel like the goddess you are!

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