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Start Your Own Natural Health Business

Have you always wanted to start your own natural health business but don't know where to begin? Or do you have qualifications but your business seems to be going nowhere?

I have a successful business and have plenty of tips for you. You might also like to check out empowering advice from online business women.

I also offer a free business mentoring service so you can build to your full potential. See below for details.

Before You Begin

You need to have some idea of what you want to do. You want to focus on a natural health business, but what is your unique niche?

Do you:

  • love natural perfume?
  • have a health issue and will use natural products to help?
  • do you want to learn a new skill to support natural health?
  • want to use your natural health qualification with confidence?
  • like chemical free cleaning?
  • have a spiritual background?
  • love natural beauty?

These are just a few of the ideas to find your unique niche. Think about what gives you the most joy and then build your natural health business around your passion.

First Step - Be a Role Model

My best tip is to use your desired product yourself so you know it works and you are a living role model. Of course my product is therapeutic grade essential oils and I use them every day. At home, when I am out, with friends, I live and breathe(!) essential oils so I have the confidence to talk about it.

People are always asking me how my natural health business continues to grow when everyone else seems to be shutting up shop. The Answer is I believe I give people the best health care they can get to help themselves.

Education is the Key!

You might be saying "I don't know anything about essential oils." In the beginning, neither did I! I took classes, attended meetings, spoke to people who people who were experienced with essential oils and read heaps of books.

Two options if you want a professional, value for money qualification is to learn Raindrop Technique or Egyptian Emotional Clearing Technique. Courses are offered all over the world.

Also, an eBook I recommend is Build Your Own Dream Practice. It is full of helpful advice and ideas to learn how to build your natural health business.

Now You are Ready to Talk Business

Here is a list of things to do:

  1. Decide the best way that you will provide your service to your customers. Will you do Raindrop Technique from home? Will you hire a room at a local health centre? Will you do a natural cleaning party with friends? Will you run a class at a community centre? Give a talk? Will it be all online? There are so many options. Start with the one you feel most comfortable with and build from there.
  2. Get some business cards. I have been given some business cards that have been done at home on the computer and they look really dodgy. It is best to start with business cards that look professional but don't cost the Earth.  I have changed my cards five times as my business has evolved so start simple and grow from there.

Get a website. I use Site Build It! I didn't know anything about building websites before I started and if you got here through a search engine then you have experienced the power of SBI! It is also a bargain for the system you get. One of my friends paid thousands for her website and on comparison I was getting more services AND education for nearly one tenth of the price! Here is a FREE quick tour through one of the educational tools. See what you think. It is great value for money. All tutorials and action guides are online, so everything is easy to access, AND there is a great help forum!

  • Advertise. You don't need to pay out lots of money for advertising. I have left business cards in cafes, on noticeboards, added my details to free directories, given free talks, use social media like Facebook and Twitter. I also comment in forums and related blogs etc. Always be an expert in your field and if you don't know use an excellent reference book like the Essential Oils Desk Reference.

  • Free Natural Health Business Mentoring


    I know that it is easy to have a successful business from home following your passion. I am living it!

    If you are unsure about what to do, whether you can do it and how to do it, then I can support you right from the beginning. My mentoring service is available for as long as you need it. I am here to help.

    I want to help people who:

    • Want to start their own business and don't know how or where to start.
    • Think they can't afford to start a home business.
    • Have a passion for natural health and want to break into the business.
    • Looking for a career change and love natural health.
    • Are already in natural health (eg. naturopath, massage therapist, accupuncturist etc).
    • Want to work school hours and be there for their family.

    You are probably wondering "what's the catch?" Well, yes there is one catch! I am asking you to join my team and use the best essential oil, essential oil nutrition, cleaning and skin care products from the world leaders! You will become the role model and expert that people will go to because they want to know more!

    I have mentored many people from all walks of life and are now running their own successful business.

    All you need to do is complete the form below to register your interest. It doesn't matter where you live or what you do, you can achieve your dreams! Once you make the decision you have set the intention for what you want in life. I would love to help you to get it.

    Complete the form below today to start your natural health business and be eligible for my FREE mentoring service.

    Yes! I Want Free Mentoring!

    Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

    Please complete the challenge that you see below.


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