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Welcome to Lose Weight Peacefully

Do you want to lose weight?

Want to know the shocking truth about diets? They don't work!

Need a different approach? Then stop dieting right now and learn the peaceful way for weight loss.

I used to weigh over 112kg (247lbs). I have lost over 30kg (66lbs) by making peace with food, feelings and life.

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"If you are still dieting, STOP, read this book and get on with your life. The weight will fall off. It did for me!"

I didn't count calories, follow a strict exercise regimen or starve myself. I developed insights which enabled me to stop dieting and allowed myself to discover a different approach, where I honoured my body, mind and soul. 

I also learnt how to make peace with the past so that I could recognise the patterns that drove me to eat in the first place.

Once I chose to do this, the side effect was weight loss.

When was the last time you were on a diet or thought about starting a new diet?

When you think about your diet and weight loss history, do you:

  • Spend all your spare time thinking about food or the next diet?
  • Worry about what you should or shouldn't eat?
  • Extreme diet or starve for weight loss?
  • Binge out of control when you break the "diet"?
  • Buy all the latest diet books, magazines, diet powders or shakes, and still struggle with your weight, sometimes gaining more after the "diet"?
  • Eat to comfort yourself, then beat yourself up afterward?

If you answered YES to the above questions then don’t waste any more time, energy and money on diets—they don’t work!

The Lose Weight Peacefully approach arms you with real strategies to make the most of your life and lose weight at the same time!

With this approach you can expect to:

  • Be empowered to regain trust in your body.
  • Recognise your real physical hunger.
  • Learn how to deal with issues as they arise.
  • Eat the food you love.

Join me to discover "What is Really Eating You?" and you too will discover amazing weight loss.

My book Lose Weight Peacefully contains all the information that you will ever need to stop dieting and  lose weight permanently.

Here is an excerpt from the book:

Imagine a life where you are at complete peace with the food you eat. You choose to eat when you are hungry and acknowledge your feelings instead of eating them. Your payoff is that you will return to your ideal weight and accept yourself for who you really are. 

Imagine spending no more time, energy and money on diets, on losing weight, or on your food obsession. In this book you will learn a new way to look at food as fuel for your body. 

You will learn to value yourself enough to put quality fuel into your body when you need it. You will also learn that food and feelings can be separated. You will finally set yourself free!"

Already have the book? Claim Your BONUS Resources Here.

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