Itching legs
QUESTION: My 19 year old daughter has a problem of 2 years duration that medically has not been able to relieve. Whenever she shaves her legs they become itchy for about 2 days. The itching then ceases until the hair gets to a certain length and it starts again.
We have tried many, many remedies but none help, excepting prescription strength steriod cream, which of course we cannot keep using. Waxing only made them itch continually. She has otherwise beautiful, flawless skin with no history of eccema or allergies. This does not affect other areas where she shaves. We were informed of you and the chance that essential oils may help. What do you think? Jeanne
ANSWER:Hi Jeanne thanks for your question. As always, I need to say to
consult your professional medical practitioner first and check with them to get the all clear to use essential oils.
I would be interested to know if you daughter has curly, wavy or thick hair. As a curly haired person,
I can understand the itchiness that you are describing. I have been told it has to do with the leg hair actually growing curly too!
Does she get a lot of ingrown hairs too? This is much more predominant with people with curly, wavy or thick hair.
My suggestion is to try
one or more of the following essential oils:
- Lavender essential oil
- Gentle Baby* essential oil blend
- Roman Chamomile essential oil
- Peppermint essential oil
Of course, I only use and recommend Young Living Essential Oils due to the integrity and purity in production. *These products are only available from Young Living Essential Oils. Please visit
my store for more information.
I hope you find this helpful.
Best wishes
Essential Oil Goddess