Treating Eczema
by Fiona
Hi there
I have been experiencing eczema since December. I did a Liver Cleanse for 9 weeks and still experincing eczema, it is driving me crazy! Have you got any suggestions with what to do to assist!
Thanks for your question. Firstly, please do
check with your heath care professional before using any essential oils and get the all clear.
The second thing you might like to consider if the eczema is due to any allergies. If so, one of the best essential oils for allergies is
lavender essential oil.
I would be considering the following essential oils in a blend:
- Roman Chamomile essential oil
- Myrrh essential oil
- Rosewood essential oil
Blue Cypress essential oil is an amazing anti-inflammatory. As it is difficult to purchase in its pure and potent form, you may like to try the blend
Australian Blue*.
I would still be working with cleansing the liver. The following essential oil blends may be helpful:
You may also like to check
this answer that I have written previously about treating eczema.
Of course, I only
use and recommend Young Living Essential Oils due to their purity and potency. *These products are only available from Young Living Essential Oils. Please visit
my store for more information.
Best wishes for your health
Essential Oil Goddess