Which Scents Make the Baby Powder Scent?
by Hillarie
(Jackson, MI)
I have been told that rose, honeysuckle, vanilla and others combine to make the baby powder scent. I have no idea what else or any amounts combine to make the baby powder/fresh scent. Any ideas/recipes?
ANSWER:Hi Hillarie thanks for your question. The essential oil blend that already exists and smells
divine is Young Living's
Gentle Baby Essential Oil Blend*.
This blend is so gentle on the skin I use it on my face, under my eyes as an anti-wrinkle blend! It was specifically developed for use for pregnancy, new-born babies and up, so it is suitable for all ages and skin types.
Gentle Baby is a blend of the following essential oils:
- Rosewood essential oil
- Geranium essential oil
- Palmarosa essential oil
- Lavender essential oil
- Roman chamomile essential oil
- Ylang Ylang essential oil
- Lemon essential oil
- Jasmine essential oil
- Bergamot essential oil
- rose essential oil
You need not look any further, this blend is
Of course, I only use and recommend Young Living Essential Oils. *These products are only available from Young Living Essential Oils. Please visit
my store for more information.
Enjoy the scent of baby powder in its purest form!
Essential Oil Goddess